Online Affiliate Marketing University

Wealthy Affiliate Is the Online Affiliate Marketing University you need if you want to learn the right way to succeed in online or affiliate marketing.

Online Affiliate Internet Marketing University How To Learn Affiliate Marketing Online

Is it justified to call this a university?

Let’s find out

Consider this, it is an Online Affiliate Marketing University that will show you The Right Way on How To Learn and Succeed with online or affiliate marketing.

What do you receive when joining this Internet Marketing University?

Activity Dashboard

Take a look at this Activity Dashboard you will see just a small sample of what is available to you as a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate Online Affiliate Marketing University

Wealthy Affiliate Dashboard

The education you receive is at the highest level whilst maintaining the lowest cost for you.

The lessons begin with the following:

For Free members, (Yes that is correct you can join for free) wishing to try out Wealthy Affiliate begins with the availability of two courses.

Course 1 of the Get Starter level contains 5 lessons

Starters course consisting of (1 level course with 5 lessons).

The Starter membership is a free test drive for you to understand more of what Wealthy Affiliate is about.

You can learn how to build a foundation with a free sub-domain to start with.

OEP level one training

Here is what is covered as a free starter member

Lessons of Level 1 for Free Starter members White background with green numbers and black  and blue writing of course detrails

This 1st level is a powerful introduction for anyone wishing to create a website online with the intention to find ways of creating income with their website.

Here you will find the right way to online success one that will help you create a solid foundation for your website for many years to come.

Mind you this is just the first level of the Get Starters course, premium members received another 9 levels after this one and then some more.

Course 2 Level One Affiliate Bootcamp Free for Starter Members.

To help you understand and learn more about Wealthy Affiliate and more importantly what is available to you with your education online.

A Second course from the Premium level is also given to you.

This is the first phase level of what is known as Affiliate Bootcamp.

It is designed for those who want to become more serious in affiliate marketing.

Affilaite Bootcamp Phase training

Here is what’s coved for free with Phase One of the Affiliate Bootcamp

Phase one of Affiliate Boot Camp Course free for Starter members. White background green numbering and titles and black and blue tasks completed

The Bootcamp is great for students who wish to take learning to a higher level.

Similar to an advanced level of education elsewhere, in this case, it is dealing with online or internet marketing in the form of what is known as Boot Camp courses.

On top of the first Phase you get for free, there are a further 6 phases of educational learning with around 10 lessons within each phase.

What is available for Premium Students

Now combine the two courses together and you get a total of 12 levels of learning with 10 lessons on each level, all lessons are around 1 hour each which gives you 120 hours of training. 

But the education doesn’t stop there on top of the above courses Premium members get to watch if they wish weekly sessions of Live video Classes from one of the top members of Wealthy Affiliate 

Here you learn extra hints and tips from one of the leading experts in the online world of marketing.

This is broadcast every Friday evening or Saturday depending, on where you are in the world.

Those premium members who are unavailable at the time of the live broadcast are able to watch the whole lesson (about an hour) later as this is all saved within the community.

But these live video classes are only for a premium level.

But that’s not all

Here within the community, you will find members at all stages of the online world.

Some are newbies, some are at the intermediate level and others are at the professional level.

Yet still, stay as members because they love to be here and also love to help out fellow members.

Some of these guys are making over $10,000 per month or more.

Bear in mind many of these have been at it for quite a few years and still, they are willing to help.

Further testimony of how wonderful this place is.

There are so many more available to all members, obviously, as a Premium member, you will benefit the most.

There are no upsells on upsells you find at some other places.

Nor is there any pressure to do anything you don’t want to do.

There are policies and procedures in place like any other place be it a working environment or other University.

Here you will find members look out for each other and continuously support each other along the way.

Many times it feels more like a family than members of this wonderful online marketing University.

Free members have some access during the trial 7 days period that gives you an idea of what is available should you become a premium member.

As a premium member, you have an amazing dashboard so you can see what is happening around the site.

There is a Live Chat where members from around the world can connect within this live chat campus and offer help and support to each other.

In addition to this, becoming a Premium member allows students to participate in many other free lectures such as the video tutorials which are shown every week stated earlier.

These are just one of the many bonus opportunities available to the higher studying students of Wealthy Affiliate University.

Additional Training is separate from main courses.

There are additional training lessons you can be involved with which are created by many Premium Members who help others along their journey online.

This is in addition to the Starters and Boot Camp courses available to you.

Training Lesson apache1 Sample

There is also income to be made here too.

You are also able to participate in various groups such as live chat and share your knowledge in the form of WA blogs (which do get noticed and ranked by Google and other search engines).

You are always learning new material and the training is always updated to the current times.

Many more opportunities are available at this Internet marketing university.

There is assistance available to you just like you would at a physical university such as technical support. Q&A, plus many more opportunities available to the attendees of this online campus.

As far as what campus it’s called” The WAUers campus is the campus that anyone from around the world can attend (usually this is done from the comfort of your home or lounge if you are an armchair athlete).

The benefit of this university is that you have two Deans of the University.

Kyle and Carson not only are the Co-Founders of this great university but will also address the members and support the students along the way.

Kyle and Carson Co-Founders of Wealthy Affiliate

So what accreditation do you receive?

Your website(s) is your accreditation.

The more work you put into your website, the greater the chance of success but this is dependent on you.

Remember The Journey Starts With You.

Like any university or other learning institution you can have all the accreditation you want but without applying the training given and putting in some elbow grease yourself.

This will determine the level of success you achieve for that will be dependent on you.

So yes Wealthy Affiliate University is a University.

An Online University is not only better as you Learn the Right Way to do Online or Affiliate Marketing.

Another point to consider that makes Wealthy Affiliate University even better.

When we work on applying ourselves we have that opportunity to create an income instead of debt even before we complete our various courses.

Now that is a University that I would love to be part of.

Oh, I forgot I am part of this University and loving it, you will be too.

So, if you are interested you can find me waiting for you at the online campus. Just hit this spot and I am there.

Always strive to succeed and you will achieve

2 thoughts on “Online Affiliate Marketing University”

  1. Hi Jenny,

    Thank you for the visit and your comment fully appreciated.

    Yes, the training you receive here in Wealthy Affiliate is really second to none.
    The experience that has been gained from two great marketers, Kyle and Carson who have given members the knowledge and wisdom they have learnt over the years.

    This is why it is so practical due to the real down to earth sharing.

    The bonus here is that as you stated so correctly is the added learning can be obtained from the many other members that are at all stages in the online world of marketing.

    This type of knowledge is rare and most welcomed. One that can only be found at Wealthy Affiliate.
    Rather than going to a university lecture theatre you create your own lecture theatre room right at home especially the weekly video training you get from another great member Jay.

    Wishing you every success in your online business and look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

    Thank you once more


  2. Hi Andre,

    A great clear description of the Wealthy Affiliate University. It’s certainly a very practical education that allows you to learn and build at the same time. With every aspect of the training, there is sharing, support and encouragement from members of all abilities.

    I’ve certainly learned more from doing that I would have done from sitting in a university lecture theatre.

    I look forward to checking in every day.

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