About Me

My Background

I’m an Aussie from New South Wales, one of the beautiful states on the Eastern Coast of Australia.

This is my About Me Page

For over a decade, I worked for the same company until it was taken over by an overseas investor. Unfortunately, this led to a merger with a rival company, resulting in staff retrenchments, including myself, just before Christmas.

Despite the setback, I saw an opportunity to embark on a new path – one that would allow me to work from home, create an online marketing presence, and help others along the way.

This decision was driven by a desire for a better work-life balance and more quality time with my precious family.

Discovering Wealthy Affiliate

In my search for a legitimate online business opportunity, I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate.

After being scammed in the past, I was cautious but intrigued by Wealthy Affiliate’s free Starter Membership.

I decided to give it a try, and within the first seven days, I learned more than I had in years of trying elsewhere.

Impressed by the value and benefits of the Premium Membership, I made the personal choice which was very easy to make and upgraded without any pressure or obligation.

This decision has been one of the best I’ve made, as I now have a few websites and am planning on building more.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community

What sets Wealthy Affiliate apart is its supportive community, which feels like an extended family.

Members are willing to lend a helping hand, and I’ve found myself paying it forward by answering questions and assisting others.

This sense of camaraderie has been invaluable in my journey.

Affiliate Marketing Training Opportunity

My Experience with Affiliate Marketing

I have been involved in affiliate marketing for over 12 years, but like many others, I fell victim to scams and get-rich-quick schemes early on, losing money in the process.

I was on the verge of giving up when I discovered Wealthy Affiliate just over 10 years ago.

Wealthy Affiliate taught me the right way to approach affiliate marketing, and as stated above I’ve since built several websites, including this one.

I owe all my success to their comprehensive training and support which is constantly updated to current times and trends.

A Word of Caution

I’m tired of seeing scams and fake get-rich-quick schemes that prey on people’s dreams of financial freedom.

I don’t want you to fall into that trap.

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model, but it requires dedication, hard work, and the right guidance.

This is the main reason for this website you are on.

Join Me on This Journey

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

If you’re interested in learning more about online and affiliate marketing, I invite you to join me at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s free to sign up as a Starter Member. You will have access to some valuable training and resources without any obligation to upgrade.

Remember, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but a path to building a sustainable online business.

There’s a lot to learn and absorb, but Wealthy Affiliate caters to beginners, experts, and everyone in between.

Before making any commitment, I encourage you to read more about Wealthy Affiliate and ensure it aligns with your goals.

If you’re comfortable with what you’ve learned, feel free to join me on this journey by taking action now.

As stated in my website’s address, let’s learn, earn, and grow together with online and affiliate marketing.

Test Drive Your trial Now
Strive to succeed and you will achieve

17 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi Andre, I loved to surf your website, I am also a huge fan of Napoleon Hill. Guess what… I came to your site via a link from webpagelottery, it seems you have won “hopefully” a lot of traffic:) See you around on Wealthy Affiliate, Greetings Loes

  2. Hi Christa such a sweet and loving message that has touched my heart. Thank you for that. Yes fortunately via various circumstances we have both found a high quality place in Wealthy Affiliate that has enable us to both grow and go forward along our pathway towards success. I have had the pleasure to see you grow as well along your journey and am quite proud to be associated with you here at Wealthy Affiliate.
    It is people like you that brings the best in others so that we all can shine, not only in this material online world we are in but also through our “Pay it Forward” attitudes we have developed here we have also grown spirituality and as a result we meet many like souls such as yourself that enables us to travel along our pathways side by side and where necessary give our hand to lift up anyone that need our support. You are such a spirit that always gives of oneself for that I am grateful and send out to you energies of light in gratitude.
    Thank you Christa, for the beautiful spirit you are and thank you for being real. 🙂 🙂
    In the light you serve in the light you are.
    Take care my friend be well

  3. Hi Andre!
    I wanted to stop by and visit, and I am so glad I did! You have a wonderful site filled with incredible information!
    I am so sorry to hear about the circumstances that brought you to Wealthy Affiliate, but I am so happy for you that you found Wealthy Affiliate! 🙂
    I am also happy for us as you are such a blessing to our community! 🙂
    It was challenging circumstances that led me to Wealthy Affiliate as well. I am so thankful that God the Father took what the enemy intended for evil and worked it for good as He led me to Wealthy Affiliate and a new beginning!
    The best quality of your site is the Light of your heart that illumines your site! 🙂
    God’s Blessings on your continued success,
    Christa 🙂

  4. Hello Kristina
    Thank you so much for your kinds words. That is really appreciated. We are all here to Learn what we can, Earn while doing so and grow in all aspects in life at all levels.
    I wish you much success in all you do in life and please visit again let your friends know they are welcome too.
    Thank you again take care be well

  5. Hi Andre!

    Your site is great! You have really done a good job here and your lovely spirit is shining through from all posts. WA could not get a better promotor than you.
    Namaste and take care, Kristina

  6. Thank you Jenn for visiting the site appreciated. I just added another post few seconds after I got the comment.
    Good to hear from you again.
    Take care be well.

  7. Hi Andre,

    Bro, what an excellent job you have done here. Woohoo! I love it. Love what you do, bro. Take care.


  8. Hi Paula,
    Thank your for visiting my site very much appreciated as well as your encouraging comments re my blogs on the Wealthy Affiliate site.
    I am also pleased that the light has shone over some of the Gray areas. Yes there are some grammatical errors which have been rectified.
    Also bare note that the spelling of some words are not incorrect but are based on the country of origin.
    I am from Australia and there are words spelt different to say the US.
    Having said this I have gone through all the pages and adjusted to one region.
    As for the experience with Anthony or Adrian Morrison I have heard bad reports on them but have not had any dealings with them nor do I intend to.
    Should you have a review to share please send it to me and once authenticated I will endeavor to have this posting with your name as the reviewer.
    Take care and be well.

  9. Andre,

    I am following you on WA and I started on WA the first week in May of this year so we are both newbies. I have very much enjoyed reading your blogs within WA, as well as the information on your website here. Thank you again for shedding light on some gray areas in my training and showing that each of us have the danger of falling prey to wolves in sheep’s clothing! Have you had any experience with Anthony or Adrian Morrison? I have! I may write a bit about that which will fall alongside some of your subjects of disclosure that you mention here.

    I do have a question / suggestion for you. Please do not take it as a criticism because I (as well as many others) really enjoy the information you provide and your writing has a very special charm to it, but I was wondering if you perform spell check and grammar check on your writings prior to posting? If you would try this it would add a bit of polish to your presentation in my opinion. What do you think?

    One of many followers,

  10. Thank you for the kind words, Andre. I am flattered. 😀 And thanks for visiting my other site. Since it’s got visitors now, I might fo now, run and update it soonest. 😀

  11. Hi Jenn good to hear from you again.
    It’s been a little while since we spoke last.
    I have managed to get a bit of a read on your http://aspringenclosed.com/the-reading-and-me/ site loved the amount of books you have collected.
    You are a true inspiration.
    Yes isn’t it ironic reading the bible and then getting in trouble for highlighting passages.This was only to show how interested you are in the word of God yet at the same time a leader in the same faith would punish you as a child for wanting to be closer to God. Makes you wonder sometimes who is closer.
    Anyway blessed are you for you are a child of the light which I admire a lot about you.
    Thank you again for your comment I am honored to have a Princess comment on my site and truly blessed and honored to have you as a friend.
    Anytime you need help I am there. Take care and be well

  12. Hi Andre, 🙂
    Thank you for writing those beautiful content. I enjoy reading them. I also want to tell you that you’ve been a blessing to all of us at the WA University. I can’t thank you enough for your friendship. May the Lord shower you with abundant blessings now and forever.
    Jenn 🙂

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