Building Affiliate Marketing Websites the Easy Way is quick and straightforward. Without having to pay a fortune, learn how to earn online and grow along the way
I always thought that to build a website, one needed a website geek who had all the technical knowledge because it required many forms of coding and all that Jazz.
Now to an extent, I am that website geek, but with a difference, I created my website without needing any technical knowledge.
I had my website up and running live within a week of joining one of the best learning platforms there is, Wealthy Affiliate, and so can you.
This is the place to be
If you want to learn how Building Affiliate Marketing Websites the Easy Way and Learn how to earn in the process, then this is the place to be. Share on X
You will be shown various ways of earning, building, and ranking your website with search engines like Google, Bing/Yahoo, etc.
The opportunity to learn through the many training lessons, videos, and member’s training will help guide you forward towards your success in life.
You will also learn the right way and give guidance on building that solid foundation that will enable you to go forward along your journey and grow your business online.
This could be as an affiliate marketer, marketing other people’s products or having your own business already, or thinking of selling your products. You will learn many ways to monetize your site to enable you to grow and become successful in many ways.
Many serious people start at the Premium level, but via Wealthy Affiliate, you also have the option to join for free as a starter member instead.
The Starter membership is great for those we called in the online world of marketing “Newbies.”
However, I have seen many with computer science backgrounds and other skills yet still considered as Newbies.
Some may have technical knowledge and skills but have limited or no experience in building websites of their own.
Real Support Real People No Robots
You will find others who have a website of their own, join as a premium member and manage to learn where they went wrong in the first place elsewhere.
Now they can correct their skills—even their techniques and experience with their website to a greater level than previously held.
The main reason for this is that many had either no support. Some received improper or insufficient training on how to build their affiliate website online.
Some had no backup in training and were left stranded to fend for themselves.
This is another reason why many fail to succeed, as there is no real training from many places online.
They grab your money, fill you with promises, and leave you high and dry to fend for yourself.
Well, not here at Wealthy Affiliate you are given 100% support.
Support from the IT Department (by the way, they answer as humans, not with automated responses, plus you get a reply within a short time, not days later).
You will also have support from the founder’s Kyle and Carson, and your fellow members at many stages and levels in their lives within the online world of marketing.
Should you ask a question, you will get an answer most likely within the hour or even less as members here are from all around the world, so there is 24/7 communication.
The premium membership is for those who are already serious about making money online and want to succeed in their lives.
This is why they take the Premium Option instead, plus the community is great to be part of. It is more like a second family; only they understand how you feel working online.
Regardless of which way you go, you will gain so much knowledge and experience that you will be overwhelmed with how much information is available to you here.
FREE??? You might think, what is the catch?
There are two main reasons why the starter membership is given to you for free.
But before I state the reasons.
Please note:
This is not a quick-rich scheme intended to fill you up with false promises of making quick money overnight or within the first month or so.
Some scammers do this with promises of making money in the first week or thousands by the first month, which is really BS.
Anyone saying otherwise is working on ripping you off and waiting to take your money.
It would help if you built a solid foundation for your business first.
To be successful, you have to work for it, just like if you have a brick-and-mortar business, you need to build up your business and let people know you exist.
Where you will provide them with proper service that is specific to their needs. ( refer to The Niche Definition )
This is not an overnight method here at Wealthy Affiliate; you are taught how to build what is needed and taught the right way to succeed and stand the test of time.
You won’t be making money overnight nor likely within the first month or two (some have but most don’t).
Just note this is not a quick rich money-making site; they really don’t exist.
But if you intend to learn what is taught, you will have all the trade tools to earn some excellent income over a period of time; don’t expect instant results.
This is the truth, and if you are here for ways to cheat the system or expect a quick buck, you are barking up the wrong tree.
To succeed, you need good quality content and need to build up your website properly for your readers, who will be the ones to decide if you have what they want or need.
That is also what Google and other large search engines what you to do as well.
In return, they will rank you higher than those who try to cheat the system.
The first reason
So this is the first reason you are allowed to become a free member with the first 7 days’ premium options.
Starter Members are given a Free Site-Rubix website; you are given two free courses (ten lessons each) that will show you all that is required to get you going online and show you ways to start earning once you set yourself up with the great content you will be producing around your niche.
Geek experience is not required as all the technical aspects are already included within WordPress, and you are given an awesome theme to start with, which is also free when you become a starter member.
The intention here is to allow you to see if this is for you or not.
If it is, you can go ahead, and you have a choice if you wish to become a premium member (there is a cost involved in this, which is explained here). There are no upsells either.
It is either free for starter members or for Premium membership, where a fee is given.
If this is not for you or you realize that you don’t want to be successful in your life and prefer to work for someone else, then you can stop, and that’s the end of that.
By becoming a free starter member, you are given this to try and test it out at no cost to you.
This, I believe, is the fair and honest way to learn what is involved should you wish to become a premium member and learn how to create a website online and earn in the process.
The Second Reason
This ties in with the first reason to a point.
Should you feel that you are serious and want to find your own financial independence by creating your own website, you can join as a paid Premium member.
You will receive a total of 12 courses with 120 lessons plus many other benefits available to you.
This can again be seen in the section highlighted below for you regarding the cost of premium membership.
Personally, I would prefer to see you join for free as a Starter member instead of Premium unless you know more about websites already, then go for it.
I say this because I would prefer you to make up your own mind if you want to join the premium membership yourself; no one will be pushing you to do so either.
I don’t want you to pay for the premium membership and later think this is not for you so please think first.
Do you really want to be successful online with your website, or is this just a phase you are going through?
Remember, you will need to put in some effort.
Effort is in creating your own content in your chosen niche.
If you are used to blogging, this is a great start.
I never blogged in my life until I started with Wealthy Affiliate.
Now I have over 250 blogs within the community in less than a year of starting here, plus a few training courses I have created for members.
I have earned income from that as well, and thanks to Wealthy Affiliate whose training is second to none.
That was a bonus I didn’t realize until I became a premium member.
So please join for free there really is no cost or commitment to be made by you.
Really, give it a go and do your best when you join.
All I ask is to fill in the details when you join by creating your username and creating a short profile just like you would on a social media site.
In doing so, other members will say hello, welcome you, and know where you are coming from rather than just a black screen.
(I will be one of the first to welcome you once you sign up for either free or premium membership)
Just try to work hard to make it work during those first 7 days; that’s all I ask of you.
You will be surprised how far you can go in just 7 days.
If it is still too much for you, then at least you can say, “I gave it a go, and it didn’t cost me a cent.”
You can still stay as a free starter member and continue with your free websites, but you won’t have that Premium option you got as a sample taster.
But the good thing about this is if you decide to become a premium member later, you still can.
If you decide to join as a premium, I will be the first to welcome you along with the Coi-Founders in Kyle and Carson
Here is an example of what you will learn with the two courses:
The first Free course for you.

The second Free Course is available for you.

As you can see, these are all valuable lessons needed to help you build your Affiliate Marketing Website Online; you will find the lessons easy as you learn the right way to succeed online.
So to cap it off, free starter members get the two courses shown above along with 24/7 Live chat with other fellow members worldwide.
You choose what choice you wish to make.
Premium members get a total of 12 courses that are around 120 lessons plus private access to the founders and full-on support for their own IT experts.
Also, private messaging access to over 2,400,000 members who, by the way, are just like you and me, and we are all willing to help each other go forward to our individual success in life.
There are countless other options, but you can look at the varying differences between the two, Starter vs. Premium, and you can make up your own mind on which may be best for you.
As stated earlier personally, I would suggest you start as a free member, learn all you can then decide how serious you are about wanting to be successful in your life with online or affiliate marketing.
So If you want to learn how Building Affiliate Marketing Websites the Easy Way and know how to earn in the process, then this is the place to be.
So take this opportunity Now [click here] to Learn How To Earn Online
In the process, your website grows, and you can build that solid foundation needed to achieve success online, which I am confident you will be able to do.
Wishing you well in whatever choice you make in life.