How to Make Money with Your Own Website

Learn How to Make Money with Your Own Website the right way, one that will build a strong foundation for your future success online

How to Make Money With Own Website your own website

Have you ever thought of creating your own website be if for your business online or just to share your passion online and even earn some income?

Not sure how to build a website?

Perhaps you already have a website but it’s not going anywhere well at least not in the direction you planned.

Been dreaming of the success you deserve but not sure how to go about this online?

Why not make your dreams become a reality instead? 

You now have that opportunity not only to learn how to build a website or enhance the one you already have.

But you will also be shown the right way to work online one that will give you the opportunity to learn the many ways of earning an income even while you are still building your website into that solid foundation that can make those dreams come true to you.

How to make money with your own website don't dream it achieve it! Share on X

Learn How To Make Money With Your Own Website

Word of Note:

This opportunity is by no way a quick money scheme you won’t be making heaps of money within the week or month perhaps a few months.

I am telling this now because if you are serious about wanting medium to long-term success that will continue to bring income and have a solid long-lasting website then this can be for you.

If you are looking for that fake one click and you can make millions then this is not for you.

Those that tell you that can make quick money by the thousands or even become a millionaire within a month are just scamming you.

If you fall for their tricks and fancy images (E.G. boats, mansions, and fast cars) they will be the ones making the quick money, not you.

Believe me been there done that, falling for their well-scripted fork-tongue talk and lost some money along the way.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

I believe in the statement “Honest is the best policy”

Isn’t that what you are seeking?

Being honest, open, and helpful to your visitors coming to your website.

To achieve your desires with your own website and build that solid foundation towards your success online.

When you start to do this you will find more people will come to visit your website they will see that honesty.

The trust will begin to build between you and your visitors

When you start to achieve this you will start seeing the benefits that will not only give you a trusted site for others to visit but one that can also bring in an income you always wanted.

The amount you can earn is all dependent on how much you are prepared to put in for your future success and very importantly how you wish to treat your visitors.

Think about this!

Do you go to a store and expect the truth and support or do you want the person to give you a bunch of twisted words perhaps even some white lies in order for you to buy their product or service?

Remember you are building a solid business that is to become your future income for yourself or you and your family.

Well, now you have the opportunity to do all of the above with Wealthy Affiliate.

Have you asked yourself?

Can I Really Make Money Online?

Well, you can, and here’s how.

Learn How To Make Money With Your Own Website Get Started Here and work from Home online

You have two opportunities when you want to create your own website when you join Wealthy Affiliate.

Free starter membership available

Should you not be sure either with Wealthy Affiliate or what there is to offer then this is a great opportunity to take.

You are given a 7-day free trial to test out Wealthy Affiliate plus you are given for those 7 days a bonus where you can see some of the opportunities you get through the eyes of a premium member.

If at any time you feel after the 7 days this is not for you then you can leave and that is it.

You have not lost anything during this free trial but you have gained an insight into what could have been your dreams come true in being successful online.

By the way, you are always welcome to come back should you have a change of mind.

When you realize how much benefit you will receive as a premium member and feel that you are serious about wanting to create a website online then this is your opportunity to set up a wonderful future for either yourself or if you have a family for you and your family.

There are no upsells and no one will be chasing after you to join or do anything you don’t want.

When you join as a free member I will personally welcome you along with giving you an added bonus just for joining.

You are free to choose from. Why?

Because The Journey begins with you.

And as Tony Robbins states in the image below

The Journey Begins With You Get Started Here and Learn How To Make Money From Home Online With Your Own Website

Premium Membership is also available

With the premium membership should you wish to take this option you will receive a bonus by only paying $19 for the first month?

In fact, this gives you an extra month to really see what it is like being a premium member.

You can even purchase your own domain website within Wealthy Affiliate with free hosting and many more benefits available for premium members.

Or should you already have your own website hosted somewhere else you can have this transferred to Wealthy Affiliate saving you further from the hosting you originally paid elsewhere?  

Which you would know is an added cost. This is only for Premium members.

There are no contracts and you can leave anytime upon giving notice before your month is up on the site.

One last thing on the premium membership cost.

Is this fair or what?

I mentioned at the start I believe in giving you the honest truth about what is available to you because you are important and you deserve to know what is available for your success online before you take the plunge.

So here’s some more truth.

There are many benefits to both free and obviously more for the serious premium members.

Below is a chart showing the difference between the starter membership and the premium membership and what is on offer.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

As for the cost, you can see that the starter membership is really for free plus no credit card is required should you wish to join.

For the premium members, it is $49 per month

As you can see from the chart above it is $49 per month over 12 months which adds up to $588 per year which can be quite a lot.

However, another option is to go yearly and only pay $495 per year which works out to a saving of $93.

This is also a great way of telling yourself that you are committed to being successful online and finding that incentive to go forward in life so that those dreams once wished for are now becoming a reality.

If you originally joined as a free member and choose and become a premium member you will receive an added bonus from me on top of the first one sent.

Just being open and honest

When you learn how to make money with your own website the right way your journey towards success will be waiting for you.

I told you at the start I believe in giving you the honest truth of what is available to you because you are important and you are worthy of having the opportunity to be successful in all you do online.

Wealthy Affiliate will give you all the training needed to get you started and to learn How To Turn Your Passion Into a Thriving Online Business and work towards becoming successful.

The rest is up to you.

Perhaps you already have a website and want to go further forwards than ever before. If so this could be just what you may be looking for.

By the way

Do you have any fears about starting online let me know?

Let me know in the comment sections below your thoughts and views.

Look forward to welcoming you at Wealthy Affiliate

Always Strive to Succeed and your will Achieve

7 thoughts on “How to Make Money with Your Own Website”

  1. Hi Tom

    Yes that old saying of “Honesty is the best policy” certainly applies perhaps even more online.

    With so many scams out there and twisted truths being honest with your reading is paramount if you want to be successful not only for yourself but to give others a great and true opportunity to enjoy helping them see ways to make money with their own website and having the satisfaction that you have been helping others along the way. 

    Yes persistent is a major key that is why we always need to go forward in life.

    Wishing you well


  2. Great information Andre.  I appreciate your emphasis on straight forward honesty.  Personally I am a believer in providing honest information.  I think if you try to fool people they will see right through it.  Also I think that to be successful you need to to provide a persistent and consistent effort.  That is not to say that it will be easy but if you can develop a “habit” out of working on your business you have a better chance at success.

  3. Hi Tim

    Certainly there are many benefits of being a member at Wealthy Affiliate and one of the greatest is the support and help many community members give to each other in many ways. 

    Alongside the training that the Co-Founders Kyle and Carson provide many other members who have gained knowledge in many facets in the online world can create training for other members to benefit as well.

    So yes the support we all can give to each other is awesome.

    Thanks for dropping by


  4. Hello Andre. You say simple, honest and true words about the opportunity to succeed in making money online. 

    I have been in this business for about a decade and learned that I still have very little knowledge about this exciting job, so I am still learning. I just want to add my two cents about fakes and scams which are sooo much by theme- How to make money fast. I have been trapped in many of scams, but on the end, I count it as the next step of my knowledge and money spent as the investment. 

    The best way to learn is to fail by investing money.

  5. Hi Andre,

    I really enjoyed your review of Wealthy Affiliate.

    In fact, I found your post because I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate.

    As a premium member I have enjoyed being part of WA for many reasons.

    One of the things I like is the commenting section.

    Comments are essential to a website.

    Comments tell search engines that people visit and have opinions about your site. This helps keep bounce rates low, time on site higher and other important ranking figures.

    We are also helping other members by commenting on their sites. Reciprocation is important in business.

    Also as a Premium member I can earn from making comments. there are certain requirements to become an earner, but they are relatively simple and this is a great way to not only offset the cost of WA, but also an income generator.

    I like your review and it should give potential members a good starting point.


  6. Hi Kristina,

    Thank you for your visit and it is great to hear from you.
    I believe the best way to describe your business is to be open and honest about it.

    If anyone has doubts the pros and cons mentioned here should put someone at ease.
    My role here is to help others make their own informed decisions with what is shown.

    I have been ripped off in the past by scammers and I don’t want others to face that scenario.
    So to lay it out in the open on what is available and to show others the right way in working online with their own website you need, to just be truthful about it.
    Wishing you well and may you continue to go forward in ALL you do.

    Many blessings my friend.

  7. Hi Andre!
    I really like your thorough and honest description of Wealthy Affiliates! Not many who write posts like this go through both the pros and the cons, so thank you for this.

    Regards, Kristina

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