Before You Start A Website Ask Yourself This

Before You Start, A Website, Ask Yourself This is creating your own website as hard as it used to be. Well, not if you learn the right way to succeed online.

Before You Start a Website Ask Yourself This

That is if you want to learn the right way to be successful online.

There can be many questions, but I have brought them down to two main ones.

2 Questions To Ask Yourself

I will cover these two below.

What are my goals?

These two questions are critical and can determine your future online.

If you already have a website created and you are not succeeding, you may also need to ask yourself the same question.

However, for most, this is mainly for those planning or thinking of creating a website online for various reasons.

Regardless of whether you want to create a website for a brick-and-mortar business or to start a small business online working from home.

It does not matter if you have technical knowledge, little knowledge, or none at all.

Problems and possible failure will follow you unless you have thought it out first with what you what in a website for your business.

As you can see, planning before any project is paramount regardless of the type of business you have or want to have.

No business should cut corners if they really want to be successful long-term.

So why should you in creating your own business website?

OK, so now we have some questions in place, let us look at what they mean.

Remember this is about you and is the driving factor to your success in life should you take action based on what you have written.

What is the purpose of creating a website?

One that can also help answer and even clarify deeper on the second question mentioned below this.

Here are some basic and most popular reasons.

For many people, the age-old answer might be I want to make money online.

I want to be my own boss and not have to work the 9-5 J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)

I need to pay my bills and/or help support my family.

I want to share the skills and experience I have with others.

I would love to promote products and or services.

I love to write and share my life experience with others.

Once you have worked out the purpose, we go to the next part.

What are my goals?

As mentioned earlier, planning is essential to your success, and one of the most important aspects is setting goals on what you what to achieve.

This needs some serious thought, and it is best to write your goals down physically using pen and paper; this creates a more powerful impression in your mind than just talking about it or even typing them on the computer.

Of course, we all want to make extra money, but that is only one part of your actions’ end result.

If you want to earn money online, you need to start first knowing your purpose and then creating some goals.

Even though money may be the main reason for creating an online business, it should not become the sole focus.

Yes, it is important, but by no means the main goal in life.

Just saying that I want to be successful and make money is not the ideal goal to set.

You could earn $1, which means you were successful and made money as that was the intention you set at the start.

You got what you asked for, nothing more, nothing less.

Remember the saying, “Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it.”

So set some intentions to your goals but also include a time span.

Just like a business might set up a budget for the month, at six months, even yearly ones.

Here are some tangible money goals you can set.

Question #1: How much money would you be happy to earn?

Are you happy with $1000 a month?

They are realistic goals if you apply yourself.

Question #2: How much would you be thrilled to earn?

Perhaps twice the amount or more compared to your first answer.

These are two simple yet powerful money goals to set, but you must be honest with yourself and realistic but never underestimate your talents.

You can still aim high; know not to expect this to happen overnight or within a month or two.

If you fall short of your target goal, no problem, be proud of what you have achieved so far, and it will give you more of an incentive and determination to not only reach your goals but even surpass them as well.

Which brings me to a third and important question?

Question #3: How much TIME are you willing to invest to achieve these goals?

If you are expecting that quick fix or overnight success, you will be very disappointed, and most likely, if you continue with that mindset of instant fixes, it will lead you to failure or loss of money in your pocket falling to some of those frauds found online.

As a brick and mortar business, it takes time to build; it won’t happen overnight but will happen if you want to be successful and take action.

Before answering this question, look back at your response to your purpose and your goals.

However, this time look deeply into your answers; you may need to make some adjustments.

Just be truthful and honest with yourself.

Now that you have done that ask yourself, with the answer you have given, how much time am I going to make to get what I am seeking?

Perhaps you are working full-time and may only give a few hours a day if you devote that time without interruption.

If you are working part-time, perhaps, you can add a few more hours.

For those with home duties, especially when you have kids, it can get quite tiring to find that time to relax and allocate time for this.

Perhaps while the kids are at school or are still at home when they are asleep, you could set aside that time.

You know best but make it stick and never give up.

Ok, I am ready to start my journey in life for the better.

Should you feel that you want to give it a go, then I have a solution for you with two options?

Personally, I recommend the first option, mainly because it is free to try with no obligation to continue should you decide otherwise.

What are the two options?

Option 1

Become a free starter member

Here when you join, a free SiteRubix website to try out and learn with two separate courses containing 5 lessons each.

Although you can stay as a free starter for as long as you want, your free website is there to use.

Should you be ready to upgrade you will have 120 lessons to keep your going for a while still able to earn while learning.

As a Premium member, you will also get 1 free top-level domain as a gift for upgrading.

You will learn all about how to choose a niche, how to build your website, by lesson 4 and much more, as you can see in the image below.

Level 1 Online Entrepreneur course given free to all starter members

Online Entrepreanurs Course Level One

Phase 1 Bootcamp course for free to all starter members

Bootcamp Phase One

As you can see, both 10 lessons from these two courses can give you heaps of training to get you started online and even earn revenue depending on your efforts.

There is plenty of information the co-founders are willing to give you.

As I said, this is a free starter membership to test it out, and if you find success is not for you, you log out, and that’s it.

No cost to you and no credit card details are required only a gained knowledge and insight into creating your own website.

Should you find you are serious about reaching and achieving those goals and the purpose you set earlier, option 2 is for you.

Oh, when you take option 2, there are none of these upsells upon upsells; some other places will charge you after you join.

Option 2

Become a premium member

Here you can join in various ways.

• Become a free starter member and try and test it out. (I highly recommend this)

As I said earlier, if this is not for you, then log out no more.

• After you have learned how to build a website by lesson 4 as a starter member if you find this is for you, then you can upgrade to premium membership, and as a bonus when you join, as i said you will receive credits to get your own domain which is the best way forward.

It is only $49 per month that is should you want to go monthly.

Going monthly works out to $588 per year; however, should you take the last option gives you a bigger saving as per below.

Save more with a Yearly Membership

The last option is to go yearly for $497 as a yearly member.

This is another way to commit that you are serious and seek success and reach those goals and plans you set in writing.

Do the maths, the monthly cost for the year adds up to $588, which is $49 per month.

Going yearly costs $497 per year; however, you get many added perks like a free dot com domain and all the added resources premium members received where you would normally pay extra elsewhere, but here they are all included.

Therefore, the difference between the yearly cost compared to monthly over a year saves $91.

Would the $91 saving be better in your pocket instead?

This choice is up to you.

Premium members get a lot more than just 10 lessons along with free hosting site security and much more.

So now, you know the two vital questions and steps needed to ask before you start a website.

Should you wish to give these options, a go then Click Here To Your Future Success Online.

In conclusion

I am just covering two important basics needed before starting a website.

So asking yourself questions about your purpose and goals should be the primary focus before starting a website.

Please write down your purpose in wanting to create a website along with what are your goals.

Then when you have done that, ask the three questions about your goals.

If you see that you cannot find the time, your questions, or you are not serious and important enough and may need revisiting and adjusting.

You may very well be happy working for someone else and live by your boss’s rules if so, good luck.

Perhaps you doubt your abilities and are afraid to succeed and work for what you desire in life.

Only you know the answers if they apply to you.

Only you know if you are prepared for success or failure.

Just know that The Journey begins with YOU!

Further reading of benefit for you.

How to create your own free website

How to start a home business

The Niche Definition

Learn how to make money online

Have you thought about your goals and purpose in creating your website? I would love to hear your goals and purpose?

Please comment below

To your success online.

Strive to succeed and you will achieve
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12 thoughts on “Before You Start A Website Ask Yourself This”

  1. Thank you, Jewel, for the visit much appreciated.

    Yes selecting a niche is very important as this will be the basis for your domain name and how you approached your website.

    Definitely, Wealthy Affiliate shows you the right way to learn how to become successful with online or affiliate marketing.

    You are so right with the use of long tail keywords as this will help you when looking for higher ranking on search engines like Google, Bing/Yahoo.

    What I found that by using the Jaaxy research tool which you can find more details on one of my pages it that when using Jaaxy this will help you refine further on those long tail keyword and even give high accuracy on the traffic, the power of the words used and many other benefits.

    There are too many to mention here but you can find more details on Jaaxy here if you wish

    This will help you gain a greater edge over your competitors when using the long tail keywords you mention above.

    The Jaaxy research tool along with being part of the Wealthy Affiliate learning platform is all you need to start being successful with your website.

    Thank you once again for your visit and please so you require help or assistance just drop me a line and we will work it out.

    Take care be well

  2. Dear Andre

    Thank you very much for yr “successfulaffiliateru” website. I like it as it is clean and neat.

    Regarding the niche market, if we are able to find a niche which is hidden and not competitive,
    we should be able to dominate that niche market.

    One of the best ways I have found by learning from the Wealthy Affiliate education platform is find low competition long-tailed
    keywords, these keywords are much easier to rank your websites highly on Google!!

    Andre, thank you so much for such a wonderful blog post on “Before you start a website
    ask yourself this”.

    Jewel Carol

  3. Thank you Doug for your comments and your visits hear I really appreciate this moment.
    I had a look at your website you are developing and you are doing well.
    Keep going forward and and I say Always strive to Succeed and you will Achieve.
    Take care be well

  4. Great post. I’m writing about my interest and also to help (warn) others. I’m hoping that as time goes on I can refine my website so it doesn’t look so dull…

    Best Regards


  5. Thank you for your visit Joe much appreciated. Yes spacing out the sentences makes it easier to read it gives it a more relaxed feel. Wishing you well in all you do in life.
    Take care and be well

  6. Nice site Andre! Really good content and liking how easy your site reads. I also like how you have spaced out your sentences. Thanks for making this website:) , Joe

  7. Hi Rob
    Thanks for the visit appreciated also thank you for your comments as well.
    Yes I agree that showing examples really is a great way people are able to see that process when breaking down a niche and breaking it down further to find that selective niche one needs to go forward.
    There is work to be done so there are no quick fixes or quick money to be had.
    If you want to build up a successful online business you need to know how to build a solid and strong foundation for it to survive the storms that may come at you from time to time.
    Wealthy Affiliate has done that for me and for many others.
    Once again thank you Rob please free to visit again and your input is valued.
    Take care and well

  8. Hi Andre,

    I really like the way you have crafted this post. Using examples is such a good way for people to be able to see the identification process of a niche, and what is involved. Getting a passion off the ground and online is not always as straight forward as people like to think.

    You have provided some very useful information to help newbies make informed choices about niches, well done!

  9. Hi Sebastian.

    Thank you for visiting my site much appreciated.

    That’s great you are thinking of starting your own affiliate marketing Website online. I wish you much success on that.

    As for the niche that would be dependent on who your target audience will be.

    They would need to be a specific group just like you are targeting and focusing within the website you currently have.

    When using keywords it is best to use some form of long tail keyword this will help you rank higher than using a single word.

    As a Wealthy Affiliate member, I have an additional keyword research tool I use successfully this is called Jaaxy. But Jaaxy is more than a keyword research tool which not only helps you work out the best keywords to use, particularly with ranking and search terms but also the program can help you out with possible available domain names relating to your keywords to your selective niche.

    I have a written a post about using a Niche. It is called The Niche Definition you can either click on the link or search for the page under July 2014 in the Archives on the right hand sidebar.

    Here I have created an example relating to the broad word Healthy Diet and how Jaaxy can help with using a long tail keyword within your niche not only as a keyword but you can brainstorm and create a niche related keyword as part of your domain name.

    Hope you have a great day thank you again for visiting my sight you are more than welcome to ask further question should you need.

    By the way you have done well with your current site relating to diamonds. Well done.

    Take care be well
    Always strive to succeed and you will achieve.

  10. Hi Andre,
    I want to start an affiliate Marketing Website and I am still thinking about the kind of niche I should target. Would you rather recommend to have a domain name with a brand in it or rather some main keyword of your niche?

  11. Hi Kristina
    Thank you for the visit it is a privilege to have a talented person as yourself come along and communicate here.
    I really appreciate that so thank you for that.
    Yes you are correct in saying that the passion needs to be there if you wish to make a success and this would apply in other aspects in life as well as here as a website owner.
    It is great fun to be able to communicate with others via our own website knowing that along the way someone is being helped.
    I noticed that you are doing that as well with your own website dealing with New Age Books helping others with your reviews as well as expanding with your Remote healing that is totally awesome to hear.
    I certainly wish you well of that you certainly deserve it.
    Take care thank you once again and yes love and light always. 🙂
    Namaste Andre

  12. Hi Andre,

    love your post! It really is very important to figure out why you want to start a website and also if it is something that you are passionate about, because if not; you will lose interest in writing and creating more content. I really like working on my site and also working with Wealthy Affiliates, since there is such a lovely feeling of support and there is always someone around to pick you up when you need it.
    Love and light always my friend!
    Namaste, Kristina

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